Hedging Against Inflation
December 9, 20190 Comments

Everyone likes to save a little bit of money! Whether it’s waiting for that dollar per pound discount at the store, driving extra miles to a cheaper gas station, or waiting for that new movie to come out on dvd (or Netflix), it’s actually amusing finding ways to save money. Whenever we can save twenty cents on gasoline per gallon on our journeys across the country, we are thrilled! When avocados are two for one this week at the market, we’re having guacamole while we make custom solar proposals baby! And of course, when we can save homeowners money right away with the zero dollar down solar ownership program offered by our company, Clean Skies Technologies, we jump up and down because we care about you.
Solar energy has continued to get cheaper in the last decade, and it was only recently that the benefits of going solar really made sense technologically. Photovoltaic system design improvements and construction features for efficiency have made solar energy way less expensive in recent years. Clean Skies Technologies is proud to partner with quality local installers to offer a zero down ownership program, helping save even more money by eliminating upfront costs, with many financing options! And, government solar incentive programs have made it even better for homeowners! But, what if we told you that saving money right away when our local, five-star installers get your sleek solar panels up and running is just icing on the cake, the cherry on top. Your savings with solar energy this year will not be the same savings next year! Silly question, but how much did gasoline cost when you started driving? It sure has gone up, hasn’t it? And if you could have bought up truckloads of that one dollar gasoline and stored it conveniently for later use, would you? Heck yeah! No matter where you live, the price of traditional energy continues to rise. Your electricity monopoly is the exact same, with annual rate hikes. Over the lifetime of your warrantied solar system, you’ll watch as your friends’ energy bills rise at exorbitant rates annually, while you can rejoice for having made the seamless transition to a low, fixed solar payment that will never go up! Even though your solar system could be saving you twenty to twenty-five percent right off the bat, in five years, your savings will be eye-catching because the cost of traditional energy is still going up. In ten years…twenty years…wow you’d think this would only come in a dream!